What is the difference between photovoltaic solar energy and solar thermal energy?

Solar thermal energy uses the sun’s rays in the form of heat, by which the domestic water supply or the water heating circuit is heated. Photovoltaic solar energy (the one we install in at Girasol Energy) converts the sun’s energy directly into electricity and that electricity is used within the circuit of your home or business. The problems associated with the wear and tear of solar thermal systems disappear with solar photovoltaic systems. In fact, the latter requires very little maintenance.

Is photovoltaic solar energy cheaper than traditional energy?

Yes, the photovoltaic solar energy produced by your panels allows you to save directly on your electricity bill and, with the new Royal Decree, the electricity that you do not consume means that your trader will discount the amount of unconsumed kilowatts on your bill.

What is the warranty and the useful life of a solar photovoltaic system?

The panels have a guarantee of 25 years of operation and, therefore, the system has a useful life span of 30 years or more.

Is self-consumption energy legal in Spain?

Yes, energy generating systems connected to an internal network are legal and the new Royal Decree favours a better return on investment in your home, community and/or business.

Do I have to pay some kind of fee or tax for having solar panels installed?

The famous ‘sun tax’ is now history. There is absolutely no type of tax on solar panels. In fact, according to some communities, they have even received discounts on taxes, such as, local council tax, personal income tax, and taxes on constructions, facilities and works (ICIO) etc.

What happens if I generate more energy?

Any surplus energy generated from your system is discharged into the public distribution network and, according to the Royal Decree 15/2018, will be compensated for on your current electricity bill.

How do I know if I can install a solar system in my home or business?

It’s very easy! To be able to offer you a bespoke solar system that best suits your particular requirements, all we need is an electric and gas bill and your permission to make an engineering study of your roof. With this information we can calculate an ‘under no obligation’ estimate especially for you.

What do I need for the installation?

Only two things are needed: To own a roof and the electricity contract in your name. If you meet both these requirements then please feel free to contact us at any time.

Who performs the installation?

At Girasol Energy we take care of everything! With over nine years of experience in the energy sector you are in good hands. We will arrange for the installation, insurance, commissioning, guarantees, after-sales service, maintenance, permits and legalisation, plus turnkey facilities if required.

How long does it take to install the solar panels in my home or business?

A normal installation on a property usually takes about two days depending on the characteristics of the property and the roof. Unfortunately, processing the necessary administrative documents can take up to two months.

Can a problem occur on my roof?

No, we have enough experience in all types of roofing. The aluminium structure we apply is screwed-in perfectly and sealed with Sica and a chemical plugging is used so that there are no leaks. It is a very simple and aesthetic installation because it stays coplanar to the roof.

Do panels continue to work when it is raining or cloudy?

Yes, solar panels are more effective when the sun’s rays hit them directly, but they continue to generate energy when it’s raining or cloudy. The Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) technology mono-crystalline panels that we use in Girasol Energy are more efficient than the conventional panel in low natural light hours and with temperatures above 25ºC.

Do I need to install batteries?

It is not always necessary to install batteries. At the moment batteries are extremely expensive and a system with a capacity of + -3000 loads (lasting 8-10 years) and if it your property is not in an isolated position or if batteries are not necessary for your particular system, we do not advise buying them at the time of installation.

What maintenance do I need?

The solar panels need hardly any maintenance at all. The most common systems installed in homes and businesses is are connected to the public distribution network. This installation consists of photovoltaic panels, an inverter to change the continuous power to alternating power and monitoring. None of the components need maintenance, except the panels, which need cleaning about twice or three times a year.

How many solar panels do I need for my house?

The best thing to do is listen to the advice given by our technicians. Upon receipt of your utility bills we will be able to see your annual consumption and decide on the ideal system for in your home or business. The most common and cost-effective system is the one that lasts for four to five years that is connected to the public grid, as the unconsumed amount of energy produced by this solar system will be credited to your bill.

Where do we carry out installations?

Currently, we are installing solar systems in the regions of Valencia, Murcia, Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha, Extremadura and Madrid. As long as the system exceeds 30 kilowatts we will transport it anywhere in Spain.

What is the useful life of an isolated photovoltaic solar panel system with batteries?

Battery life depends a lot on the use that is made of them and how they are taken care of, but they can last between five and 15 years depending on the type of battery. It is very important not to perform lengthy discharges of the batteries and, of course, never to let the battery run out completely and/or leave it uncharged. The solar panels however, have a 25 year performance guarantee and, at that moment in time, will continue to operate, although they could lose up to 20% of their production capacity.

Do photovoltaic solar panels also work on cloudy days?

Yes, although its performance may decrease by 80% on cloudy days. Excess heat above 25ºC or excess cold below 0ºC reduces panel efficiency. The PERC Mono-crystalline panel with the national guarantee that we use in at Girasol Energy has a better performance under these weather conditions than the conventional panel.