When we talk about sustainability in terms of the use of systems for obtaining and producing energy, undoubtedly, solar energy would be one of the main references. A renewable energy, non-polluting, and available in all parts of the world. Furthermore, the implementation of this method of obtaining energy will always contribute to sustainable development and job creation.
In the same way, the relatively simple technology it uses allows its use in the most isolated points of the network, whether rural areas, for example, or those with difficult access.
It is also very easy to maintain compared to more traditional energy production methods, and it is a system that does not emit polluting gases and is also extremely silent.
What types of solar energy do we find?
Mainly, we will distinguish 3 basic types:
- Solar thermal energy: Its operation is based on the use of the heat that the incidence of solar rays (including infrared and ultraviolet) causes in the so-called collectors. Its use to heat domestic water is an accessible option that allows considerable savings and efficiency.
- Photovoltaic solar energy: The photovoltaic cells of the solar panels, built from crystalline silicon, allow the incident solar radiation to be transformed into electric current. They can provide powers of between 80/120 watts, and the production of energy can reach between 120/140kWh. per year, always depending on the hours of solar radiation available depending on the geographical location.
- Solar thermoelectric energy: Taking advantage of the heat of solar radiation, which is captured by parabolic systems or mirrors, this is concentrated to obtain considerably high temperatures (up to 700 º C), and thus transmit that heat to a fluid. All of this takes place within a closed water circuit, and the steam produced will generate sufficient pressure to drive an electricity generating turbine.
What other advantages does the use of solar energy offer?
It would be very important to highlight a very beneficial aspect that the implantation of this energy entails: the creation of jobs and wealth wherever it is going to be installed. One country’s energy dependence on others is reduced by achieving greater self-sufficiency, making the most of local resources in the area.